Letshego to buy remaining 13% of Tanzania unit for TZS10.4B

 In news

The Directors of Letshego are pleased to announce an intention by the Company to seek Shareholders’ approval to purchase the remaining 13% shares in Letshego Tanzania from the minority shareholders (‘the Sellers’) following the Sellers informing Letshego of their intension to sell their shares.

Letshego already owns 87% of the shares in Letshego Tanzania and intends to exercise its pre-emption rights by acquiring the remaining 13% shares from the Sellers, two of whom are former directors of Letshego Tanzania and the third being an independent third party.

Please Read More At: http://www.moneyweb.co.za/wp-content/uploads/ftp/senspdfs/SENS_20151106_S364449.pdf?e54245

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