Burkina Faso Govt Launches Project to Build 2,000 Ecovillages for $ 1.77B

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In Burkina Faso, the government last week launched a program to build 2,000 eco-villages across the country, the Xinhua news agency reported .

The $ 1.77 billion ecology-focused project aims to achieve five specific objectives: to facilitate sustainable access to renewable energy and preserve the environment, improve access to finance, strengthen good local governance , improve sustainable food and nutrition security and promote local entrepreneurship.

Launched in the village of Betta, the first phase of implementation of the project should allow the establishment of a network of electrification through renewable energy in the locality.

“By the end of 2018, the population of the village of Betta, in the municipality of Ziniaré, will be able to benefit from solar electrification thanks to the 45-kilowatt mini-solar plant with battery storage, for a production 50 megawatts per year , “said a statement from the Burkinabé Ministry of the Environment.

It should be noted that only 13 villages should concentrate the first investments under the said project, while waiting for the identification of the 1,987 others.

Scheduled to be completed in 2020, the authorities hope the project will generate thousands of green jobs for the benefit of local people. Source: Public

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